die raum

2015 0024 gonçalo sena: drawn onward

september 11 — october 25, 2015
viewable 24 hours

vernissage on thursday, september 10, 19 h

Gonçalo Sena's installation for die raum is a “sculptural palindrome”; hence the title which reads the same backwards as forwards. The installation works with the possible perspectives of the viewer as defined by the limited visual and physical access to the exhibition space. Consisting of materials like pigmented concrete, plexiglass and prints on paper, the installation reacts to the geometrical lines of die raum with a central fixed point serving as a physical counterpart to the “o” in the title (itself being a geometric shape as well as a letter in the alphabet). The structure is palindromic in a conceptual sense, in that it is composed for the frontal “shopping window view” as well as for an occasional “rear view” when the viewer is allowed to access the space at unscheduled times.
As such, drawn onward reflects Gonçalo Sena's performative and poetic attitude towards language, space and materials, playing with the position and movement of the viewer in time and space. Always working closely with the space at hand, Sena’s installations present dynamic tensions: between surface and form, visuality and physicality, obstruction and movement.